Scripture Verse About the Word Knowing You

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FRIDAY— Knowing God'south Discussion is Not Plenty, Y'all Must Obey It!

Large Point: Talk is cheap…action follows conventionalities.

Isn't information technology frustrating how you can read newly-published exercise books and record the latest "how to eat healthy and alive to be 150" dietary manual recipes, nonetheless, if you don't practice what those guides indicate, they're worthless sheets of newspaper? Think virtually your favorite person…what would they believe if yous told them repeatedly that yous loved them, nonetheless never invested time in getting to know them, never changed the empty toilet paper roll, or rarely treated them with kindness or respect?

For centuries, God has told us how to be wildly successful in His kingdom, in our earthly relationships, in financial matters—in every expanse of life. The Almighty God, who created the universe and everything in it, gives u.s. the answers to all of life's basic questions…how astonishing is that?! Is it enough to know He provides all the answers (in the Bible) or would a lifetime of the application of those answers be more effective?

Inside the context of applying obedience principles, what is the next step subsequently crossing the "line of faith"? Baptism? Missional membership? If God is prompting you lot to these acts of obedience, what's preventing your compliance? For more data about either of these, stop by the Welcome Heart this weekend.

READ, Remember, and Live.  Read the Bible and apply it to your life.

i. Paul, in his letter to the church in Corinth, addresses the "hot push button" issue of the twenty-four hours in Corinth, whether or not eating meat sacrificed to idols was sinful beliefs.

Question: In this verse, Paul goes to the heart of the affair. Why practice you believe love is more important than knowledge?

1 Corinthians viii:1 (New Living Translation)

At present regarding your question about food that has been offered to idols. Yep, nosotros know that "nosotros all have knowledge" almost this issue. Just while knowledge makes us feel of import, it is love that strengthens the church.


2. In healthy relationships, continual cultivation is key. Our relationship with Jesus is the same way.

Question: What results when nosotros but heed to God'south Discussion? How are we to appropriately prepare to apply/accept God's Discussion into our lives?

James 1:21-22 (New Living Translation)

So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for information technology has the power to save your souls. Just don't just listen to God'south word. You lot must exercise what it says. Otherwise, you lot are only fooling yourselves.


Questions for Give-and-take— Try these in a group, with friends or at the dinner tabular array.

i. Depict the Bible you use well-nigh frequently. Is it a slimmed down paperback, a hardbound study Bible, an due east-reader tablet or an app on your phone? What exercise you feel your Bible choice says about you?

2. Pull out your Bible and detect the July retentiveness poesy, Colossians 2:7. How do believing, reading and studying the Bible help attain this verse

3. What is your favorite role about reading the Bible? In your listen, what sets it apart from reading other books? (Expect up Hebrews iv:12 to help with your reply.)

4. In what ways would your life change if your Bible was taken abroad? When it comes to your Bible, what do you detect most difficult—believing information technology, reading it on a regular ground or obeying information technology?

5. Is in that location an surface area in your life where God is calling y'all to obey? Is He calling you to terminate doubting, get baptized, become a CedarCreek Missional Member, or accept some other step of religion? Explain.

Earthworks Deeper with this week's teaching pastor:

Click here to go deeper using the Life Group DVD by the teaching pastor, view the message or access give-and-take questions.

Weekend Updates!

  • Saturday Daily Bible Reading—July 20: Psalms 25:1—27:14/1 Corinthians 8:one-13
  •  Attend the Global Leadership Summit: Be sure to mark your calendar for the Global Leadership Summit, Baronial 8-9th. The cost is only $109 for this world course outcome!
  •  Our Biggest Baptism of the Year on July 21! If you haven't been baptized, cease past your campus' welcome center this weekend for more info on getting baptized OR sign-up for baptism online at
  •  Adjacent Week'southward Sermon: Bring together u.s.a. this weekend equally Senior Pastor Lee Powell volition continue on with the Deep Roots series with a bulletin entitled "Rooted in Prayer." Hope to see you at the Creek! Watch u.s.a. on the iCampus if you're going to be on vacation! Check us out at

Scripture Retentiveness: July 2013

(Memorize this verse for the calendar month of July)

Permit your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your religion will grow strong in the truth you lot were taught, and you volition overflow with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:7 (New Living Translation)

Living It Out

It is the dream of CedarCreek that anybody who calls this their church building habitation volition be reading and studying the same topics, both individually and in groups. Each week, join with thousands of others at CedarCreek Church in applying God's Word, the Bible, into your daily life. Our hope is that while we learn and grow together, as individuals and equally a church, we volition collectively live out the weekend bulletin.

Living It Out resources, such as the Daily Bible Study, Daily Bible Reading Programme, Discussion Questions and Scripture Retention Verses are designed to help united states of america embrace a missional mindset…a mindset that compels usa to love Jesus, serve others and tell the earth about Christ.

Living Information technology Out: Daily Bible Study…Daily Bible study activities to reverberate on the weekend message

Living Information technology Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan…Read through the Bible in 1 year—Sometime and New Testament will alternate calendar month to month.

Living It Out: Word Questions…Weekly questions to discuss with others

Living It Out: Scripture Memory…Memorize i Bible verse per month

All of these resource are also available electronically at world wide web.livingitout.television, where yous tin subscribe to take any or all of them emailed to you equally they are updated.

Nosotros Desire Your Feedback! Tell us about whatever questions or comments you lot have about this week's Living Information technology Out: Daily Bible Study. Forward them to lukes@cedarcreek.television.

Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Program scriptures are listed for each day. By completing each of the daily readings, you will read the entire Old Attestation in 1 year. These readings are carve up from the Daily Bible Study.


Bible Study Methods past Rick Warren

"The Power of God'due south Word" Past David Wraight

This week's Living It Out Daily Bible Study written past:

Sara Gorr

Katelyn Irons

Becky Miller

Kevin Moore

Luke Shortridge


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