Taking a Superbadge Again in Trailmix

Superbadges are proof of worthiness! On the trailhead community profile besides as on the Resume!

Process Automation Specialist Superbadge
Process Automation Specialist Superbadge Owned

Let'due south solve this developer Superbadge Process Automation Specialist for the Level up challenge.

Steps to Superbadge
Challenge 1: Automate Leads
Claiming 2: Automate Accounts
Challenge 3: Create Robot Setup Object
Challenge 4: Create Sales Procedure and Validate Opportunities
Challenge five: Automate Opportunities
Challenge 6: Create Flow for Opportunities
Challenge 7: Automate Setups

Challenge 1: Automate Leads

Stuck on Superbadge Process Automation specialist Step 1?

Validation rule on Atomic number 82

Search for Validation dominion and create a new under Leads

Rule Name: Anything

Fault Condition Formula:

          OR(AND(LEN(State) > 2, NOT(CONTAINS("AL:AK:AZ:AR:CA:CO:CT:DE:DC:FL:GA:HI:ID:IL:IN:IA:KS:KY:LA:ME:MD:MA:MI:MN:MS:MO:MT:NE:NV:NH:NJ:NM:NY:NC:ND:OH:OK:OR:PA:RI:SC:SD:TN:TX:UT:VT:VA:WA:WV:WI:WY", State )) ), NOT(OR(State ="Usa",Country ="USA",Land ="United states of america", ISBLANK(Land))))        

Create two Queues:

Search in quick box and select lead as object and create the beneath queues.

Queue Name: Rainbow Sales ; AND Assembly System Sales

Assignment Dominion:

Search from quick box and create a new.

Rule Name: Anything

Create 2 rule entries and make full like below.

Automation Specialist Lead
Automation Specialist rules

Challenge 2: Automate Accounts

Upshot with Superbadge Procedure Automation specialist Stride two?

Create 4 Roll Up Summary fields every bit below:

Field i: Label:Number of deals
Summary Blazon:COUNT
Summarized Object:Opportunity
Filter Criteria:None

Field 2: Characterization:Number of won deals
Summary Type:COUNT
Summarized Object:Opportunity
Filter Criteria:Phase EQUALS Airtight Won

Field 3: Characterization:Terminal won deal appointment
Summary Blazon:MAX
Field to Amass:Opportunity: Close Date
Summarized Object:Opportunity
Filter Criteria:Stage EQUALS Closed Won

Field four: Label:Amount of won deals
Summary Type:SUM
Field to Aggregate:Opportunity: Amount
Summarized Object:Opportunity
Filter Criteria:Stage EQUALS Closed Won

And 2 Formula Fields with below:

Field 5:Label:Deal win pct
Return Blazon:Per centum
Decimal Places: 2
Formula: (Number_of_won_deals__c / Number_of_deals__c)

Field 6:Label:Call for Service
Return Type:Text
Formula: IF( Date( YEAR(Last_won_deal_date__c)+2 , MONTH(Last_won_deal_date__c),Twenty-four hour period(Last_won_deal_date__c) ) <= TODAY(), "Yes", "No")

Create ii validation rules equally beneath

Validation Rule ane : Rule Proper noun : US_Address (Annihilation)

Mistake Condition Formula :

          OR(AND(LEN(BillingState) > 2, Non(CONTAINS("AL:AK:AZ:AR:CA:CO:CT:DE:DC:FL:GA:HI:ID:IL:IN:IA:KS:KY:LA:ME:Dr.:MA:MI:MN:MS:MO:MT:NE:NV:NH:NJ:NM:NY:NC:ND:OH:OK:OR:PA:RI:SC:SD:TN:TX:UT:VT:VA:WA:WV:WI:WY", BillingState )) ),AND(LEN(ShippingState) > 2, Not(CONTAINS("AL:AK:AZ:AR:CA:CO:CT:DE:DC:FL:GA:Howdy:ID:IL:IN:IA:KS:KY:LA:ME:MD:MA:MI:MN:MS:MO:MT:NE:NV:NH:NJ:NM:NY:NC:ND:OH:OK:OR:PA:RI:SC:SD:TN:TX:UT:VT:VA:WA:WV:WI:WY", ShippingState)) ),NOT(OR(BillingCountry ="US",BillingCountry ="Us",BillingCountry ="United States", ISBLANK(BillingCountry))), NOT(OR(ShippingCountry ="United states of america",ShippingCountry ="U.s.a.",ShippingCountry ="Usa", ISBLANK(ShippingCountry))))        

Error Bulletin : You tin can not save a new account unless the shipping and billing state fields are valid US state abbreviations, and the state field is either bare or US, USA, or United States.

Error Location : Top Of Folio

VALIDATION RULE 2 : Rule Proper name :Name Change

Fault Status Formula :

          ISCHANGED( Name ) && ( OR( ISPICKVAL( Type ,'Customer - Direct') ,ISPICKVAL( Blazon ,'Customer - Channel') ))        

Error Message :You tin can't change the Account name for "Client – Direct" or "Customer – Channel"

Error Location :Business relationship Name

Sometimes when validation is right and it doesn't piece of work rightly just delete and recreate information technology from scratch.

Challenge iii: Create Robot Setup Object

Help on Superbadge Process Automation specialist Step 3?

Create a custom object Robot Setup with a Master-Detail relationship to the opportunity include Autonumber the record proper name, starting with 0 using proper name format: ROBOT SETUP-{0000}.

Use the following field names.

Date, Date__c : Appointment type
Notes, Notes__c : Text type
Day of the Calendar week, Day_of_the_Week__c : Number

Challenge four: Create Sales Procedure and Validate Opportunities

Consequence with Pace 4 Superbadge process automation specialist?

Outset by adding a field to Opportunity
Blessing: Checkbox type
Ideally, the sales reps shouldn't exist able to cheque that box and only system administrators similar and sales managers should be able to check it. Though it doesn't throw an fault for that condition.

Also, Click on the Opportunity field STAGE and add a picklist value every bit "Awaiting Approval"

Next, create a sales procedure under opportunities past searching the sales process in the Search box. Add together the desired fields as below

Next add the Opportunity Validation Rule with error formula as below

          IF(( Amount > 100000 && Approved__c <> True && ISPICKVAL( StageName,'Closed Won') ),True,False)        

Challenge 5: Automate Opportunities

Stuck on Step v of Procedure Automation Specialist?

Create 3 Email Templates:
Finance: Account Cosmos,
SALES: Opportunity Needs Approving,
Sales: Opportunity Approval Status

Create related E-mail Warning from search box for the templates above.

Create an approval procedure:

Search for the approval procedure and select an opportunity object.

Criteria :
(Opportunity: Stage EQUALS Negotiation/Review) AND(Opportunity: Amount GREATER THAN 100000)
SALES: Opportunity Needs Approval——->Template. Brand sure to populate your director as Nushi Davoud in Manage Users.

Create a procedure with the process builder
Opportunity object with option created and updated.

Node 1 Criteria.: Opportunity.Business relationship Type = client and Opportunity.business relationship id non equal to naught

Node two Criteria.: Opportunity.Account Type = Prospect, Opportunity stage = prospecting and Opportunity.business relationship id non equal to null

Node three Criteria.: Opportunity Stage = Negotiation/Review and Opportunity Corporeality > 100,000

Node 4 Criteria.: Opportunity Phase = Closed Won

Action for Node 1 Email Warning to mail notifies account creation : Finance: Account Cosmos.

Action for Node two :
E-mail Alert to mail service notifies account cosmos : Finance: Account Creation.
Create a Record: Job with any name only mandatory subject line 'Ship Marketing Materials'.
Brand certain the string has no total terminate or comma to it.
Assigned to the Account owner

Activeness for Node 3: Approvals
Choose the one we created for the opportunity here. And it takes intendance of the process thereby.

Action for Node 4: Record for Robot Setup
Set fields as beneath and Date formula being ( closed date +180 )

Make sure to inactive other processes in Processes to avoid interference and activate your process builder:

Claiming vi: Create Period for Opportunities

Aid on Superbadge Process Automation specialist Pace half dozen?

CreateFlow named Product Quick Search

Create Flow for Opportunities
Create Period for Opportunities

Chemical element 1: Screen component from the palette
Name:Production Quick Search

screen component

Add Tape Button from the Input as below:
Label: Product Type
Data Type: Text
Required: Cheque
Under Choices: Add new resource
Type: Option
Create three choices as below for RainbowBot, CloudyBot, and Assemble Systems.

Element 2: Go Record as below
Characterization: Search Prod select object as Product.

get record

Under Tape Collection: Add New Resource Filterresult: Variable Type equally below.

Element iii: Loop equally below


Add New Resources Loop : Variable Blazon as below.

Element four: Assignment every bit below


Add New Resource Looptxt1 : Variable Type as below.

Element 5: Screen as below.


Save and Activate the period.
Now search Lightning App Builder
Add New page: Select Record Type
Label: Product_Quick_Search
Object: Opportunity

Pick whatsoever template
And Drag and drop Flows from Left palette, select the flow we fabricated and Save!

Challenge seven: Automate Setups

Stuck on Footstep 7 Process Automation Superbadge?

This is probably the well-nigh simple footstep to be stuck on for days!
Allow'due south solve it to merits our badge super fast!
Search for the field "Mean solar day of the Calendar week" on robot object and change the field type from Number to formula field of render type: text and use the below formula.

If yous don't find the formula field in the edit option of the field, yous can delete and recreate the field with the same name as well.

Formula being :

          Example ( WEEKDAY( Date__c ), 1,"Sunday", 2,"Monday", 3,"Tuesday", 4,"Wednesday", 5,"Thursday", half-dozen,"Friday", 7,"Sat", Text(WEEKDay(Date__c)))        

Go to the Process we created in step five. Clone this Process. Go to activeness on the last node where we prepare robo record. Alter formula of date field from[Opportunity].CloseDate + 180..to.. below formula.

          Instance(Modern([Opportunity].CloseDate + 180 - Appointment(1900, 1, 7),vii), 0, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 181, 6, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 182, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 180)        

And with this, we consummate the challenge! Share and grow together..!
For more, we e'er have the back of the customs and you tin driblet me a comment if it helped!

Need help on specific errors? Outset a give-and-take in the forum to get directly-up answers, and avoid your query to be lost in comment pile.

Let the universe renounce some goodness to yous 😇


Source: https://salesforcehandle.com/superbadge-process-automation-specialist-help/

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